International was founded in 1996 and
purchased the patent rights from Mr. Mike Trahan. The
company operates under a federal charter and the
intellectual property for the invention belongs to Trahan
The concept of the levelling rail emerged in 1979 due to the
road conditions encountered by Mr. Trahan in a mining
operation in northern Manitoba. A number of complaints had
been formulated by the operators of heavy equipment. Mr.
Trahan proposed the idea of a levelling rail in a meeting
with the underground superintendent but he had no interest
in the project at that time. 3 years later Mr. Trahan
proposed the idea again, this time in a mine situated in
Quebec; but the project was not refined enough to convince
management. A second presentation was made to the technical
department of this same mine but the project was rejected
for the third time.
The fluctuation in metal prices reduced considerably the
manoeuvring room for the mining industry. This situation
necessitated simpler more cost effective solutions to
everyday problems. Supported by weak metal prices M. Trahan
proposes some innovative ideas to reduce production costs,
such as the NuCasel levelling rail, Styrofoam slots,
re-usable bumpers, extendable safety fence, etc... The
economic conditions of the 1990s facilitated the acceptance
of these projects.
In 1993 Mike Trahan becomes responsible for production and
development in a small gold mine in northern Quebec; it is
at this point that the testing of the NuCasel levelling rail
begins in earnest. The rails evolution goes from a piece of
60lbs rail, (life 4 hours) to an old piece of grizzly bar
(life one week) The third attempt produces a rail with a
wear life of 250 meter hours. This model replaced the
traditional grader in 1994 and achieved a $64,000 reduction
in road maintenance costs while improving the road
In the beginning the rail is sold without any installation
service or a maintenance program; at this point in time no
after sales service exists for the NuCasel rail. For many
years the rail is sold in a haphazard manner, Mike Trahan is
working full time as mine superintendent in Quebec. In 2002
Mr. Trahan leaves the mining industry and dedicates himself
to improving the performance of the levelling rail The key
to the rail is the development of a turnbuckle sturdy enough
to resist the robust environment under the axle of a
production vehicle. The research and development invested in
the NuCasel levelling rail has rendered it ready to meet the
mining industries demands.
For more detail about Trahan International or a complete
list of products please visit