The value of perimeter blasting in reducing the over-break
and damage to the drift envelope has been known for years.
The product name “Xactex” is familiar to almost everyone in
the mining industry and was widely used 30 years ago but
went out of favor with the introduction of the safer
watergel explosive.
Today, packaged perimeter blasting products are available
from all explosives manufacturers in various configurations.
Tracing of Anfo loaded holes with detonating cord is also a
popular method of achieving those elusive “half barrels”
that are commonly used to measure the effectiveness of the
perimeter blasting program.
However, repeated tests have proven that the most effective
product is the most “miner friendly” or easiest to use. This
premise was the basis of the development of the Trace-It
The Trace-It system is not a revolutionary new system.
Rather, it makes the most economical system – tracing of
Anfo with detonating cord – the most “miner friendly” and
therefore the most effective.
Every miner who has tried the Trace-It system prefers it to
every other method! Because it is so “friendly” to use,
adding only seconds to the time to load a round, the miners
use it even when pressed for time. This produces results
superior to other less “friendly” products which tend to be
ignored when time is limited by cage schedule or other
factors and the crew is rushing to complete loading of the
round. Mining contractors who have used the Trace-It system
on one contract ask for it at every property they go to
afterwards. Trace-Its are used by the major mining companies
in Northern Ontario and the Rock Mechanics are recommending
it to their colleagues.
References are available on request!
For more information on the Trace-It Perimeter Control System please contact NorRoc Industrial Sales Inc. at: